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  • Paul Gravina

Change Management and Empowerment of Teams

Change Management and Empowerment of Teams

We all know there are two types of people in this world: those that like change, welcome it, embrace it, and thrive on it and those that are secure with the status quo, keeping their heads down and hoping things remain the same. For many individuals the ability to thrive on change is a quality for many people, they also love the stimulation and the excitement of learning new things. There is also a larger group of individuals who when they encounter new experiences before they are ready for them, these groups prefer change later.

For Project Managers change has two basic dimensions:

•Change that each project team member must individually address.

•Change that all team members must make to support your project.

When change impacts you or your team members, you must understand its nature to use change to your advantage. Most of the timing predictability for most projects is low, consequently, it is necessary for each team member to become very comfortable with the change to learn it loves it and lives it.

So why are some individuals resistant to change?

1."If it isn't broken, it doesn't need fixing" attitude.

"I've always done it this way. Why should I change?” team members may not see the need for change because they believe current results are acceptable.

2.Fear of the unknown.

Individuals might desire change, but a fundamental fear of what could happen may reduce his/her openness to change.

3.Fearing Failure.

Individuals might want change but is afraid to fail.

4.Fear Obsolescence.

A genuine fear that occurs in today's technology-driven world, when you ask a team member to adopt a manual process to a computer-based process, he/she may resist change because he fears job obsolescence.

5.Forced Change.

Most team members want to be part of a project's planning and decision process.

6.Personality Conflict.

Individuals might not be reluctant to a proposed change but may hold a grudge against a team member who suggested the change.

7.Bad Timing.

There may not be a problem with an area or activity planned for change; however, the timing may not be right.

8.Change is a Bad Idea.

They do not cooperate because they truly believe the proposed change is a bad idea.

9.Loss of Power.

Perceived loss of prestige.

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